Our PTA Board Duties
President: Preside at all meetings of the association. Perform duties as prescribed in bylaws or assigned by association. Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association. Attend meetings called by the council. Appoint and approve an auditing committee to audit the treasurers’ account and ensure a completed audit is given at general membership meeting in September.
Vice President, 1st, 2nd and 3rd: Act as an aide to the president, perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Secretary: Keep an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the association and of the executive board. Have a current copy of the bylaws. Maintain a membership list. Perform other delegated duties as assigned. Conduct the correspondence delegated to them. Immediately following the election, send the name and address of the newly elected President to the MI PTA, working along with the Treasurer to send along State Unit dues on or before June 1st of each fiscal year.
Treasurer: Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, make disbursements as authorized by the president, executive board or association in accordance with the budget adopted by the association. Have checks and vouchers signed by two persons, the treasurer and a second person; with the exception of when the check needs to be written to the treasurer, then the signature will consist of two additional signers. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the association and other times when requested by the executive board. Make a full report at the meeting at which new officers officially assume their duties. Keep the record of the national and state portions of membership dues separate from the record of the general fund, submit the books annually for an auditing committee to review. Forward unit dues to the MI PTA office on or before June 1. Forward National and state monies to the MI PTA on a monthly basis. Submit copies of the annual audit and budget to MI PTA by December 1st.
2nd VP - Membership: Create and/or implement a membership drive at the beginning of the school year to promote and recruit general members. Work with Treasurer to report new members monthly to MI PTA. Continue general membership recruitment throughout year. Assist in making decisions and serve as a voting member of board.
3rd VP - Fundraising: Serve as a liaison to general membership and provide help at PTA sponsored events. Serve as a Fundraiser Director. Meet with the President and Treasurer to assess financial needs of upcoming year and a plan to execute. Main point of contact for Chairpersons of any fundraisers. Work with Treasurer to ensure accurate records of funds raised in fundraisers.