Welcome to the Oakland Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students).
The purpose of the Watch Dogs Program is to bring more male volunteers into our school. Watch Dogs are fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, adult brothers, or other father figures who volunteer to serve at least one day a year in our school.
A day as a WatchDog feels like being a Hero! The kids love having us around. Teachers enjoy the extra help in the classroom. Your student will be super proud to have you at the school for the day! You will feel proud for helping and appreciate experiencing a day in the life of our children.

Frequently asked questions
What is a typical WatchDog Day?
WatchDogs arrive at school at 8:00 am and receive a brief orientation and a schedule of their day. Your day begins greeting students as they arrive to school. During the school day you will visit classrooms and help the students and teachers. It might be in small groups doing flash cards, playing games, reading books. It might be helping the entire class with a special project, or many other things. You will eat lunch with your children and go to recess with them. The day ends around 3:45 after saying good bye to the students.
You are encouraged to interact with all students. The students are excited to have us there. Your children you are excited to share you with their school!
How do I join the WatchDogs?
Complete the WatchDogs Registration Form: Click Here for the Form
Submit a School Volunteer Background Check: Click Here for more info.
Get your WatchDogs Uniform T-Shirt: Click Here for more info.
Why do I need a WatchDogs T-Shirt?
The WatchDogs T-Shirt is our uniform. It helps the School Staff and Students recognize us. If you want to volunteer as a WatchDog and the T-Shirt cost is a concern, please contact us. We want you to join us and volunteer! We will try to figure something out, we want you to help our school. For more info on T-Shirts click Here